RA Police Hotline
    • For general inquiries
      (+374) 10 54-69-14
      (+374) 10 54-69-12
      Working hours : 9:00 – 13.00 (lunch break : 13:00 - 14:00), 14:00 - 18:00. Weekend Holidays : Saturdays and Sundays:
    • Traffic police
      1-77, 060-83-10-22
+37460-83-83-02 on issues related to the functions of the registration and examination subdivisions of the Traffic Police (obtaining a driver's license, exchange, registration of vehicles, renaming, etc.)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
Persons responsible for freedom of information
  • For general inquiries
    (+374) 10 54-69-14
    (+374) 10 54-69-12
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-58-76-03)
  • Traffic police
    Mob.: 1-77
    (responsible person: mob.: 060-83-10-23)
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-37-06-00)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
    On-duty service
    (responsible person: tel. 011-56- 39-63)

The driver of the «Moskvich» and a 4-year-old child deceased

On November 24 at 19:40 a «GAZ-21» - model automobile ran into a «Moskvich-412» - model automobile, parked on the road in Salut village, Shirak region.
As a result of the crash the driver of the «Moskvich-412» Ferdinant Martirosyan, born in 1946, deceased on the spot, and the passengers Rafik Martirosyan, born in 2008, and Raya Zaqaryan, born in 1958, were hospitalized with bodily injuries. Not regaining consciousness, the child deceased at hospital. 
An investigation is underway.




Note: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia and found guilty by a court decision that has entered into legal force.