RA Police Hotline
    • For general inquiries
      (+374) 10 54-69-14
      (+374) 10 54-69-12
      Working hours : 9:00 – 13.00 (lunch break : 13:00 - 14:00), 14:00 - 18:00. Weekend Holidays : Saturdays and Sundays:
    • Traffic police
      1-77, 060-83-10-22
+37460-83-83-02 on issues related to the functions of the registration and examination subdivisions of the Traffic Police (obtaining a driver's license, exchange, registration of vehicles, renaming, etc.)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
Persons responsible for freedom of information
  • For general inquiries
    (+374) 10 54-69-14
    (+374) 10 54-69-12
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-58-76-03)
  • Traffic police
    Mob.: 1-77
    (responsible person: mob.: 060-83-10-23)
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-37-06-00)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
    On-duty service
    (responsible person: tel. 011-56- 39-63)

A criminal case initiated on the fact of a tragic road accident on Goris-Tatev highway

About 16:30 on May 1, a «GAZ 24» model automobile left the carriageway on the 24-th km of Goris-Tatev highway and rolled down from a 15 m height rock into a gorge near the so called «Satan's bridge». The automobile fell down onto Hayk Martikyan, DOB 1973, who was near there, as a result of the accident, the latter, as well as driver Vruyr Ghazaryan, DOB 1973, and passengers Hermine Ohanjanyan, DOB 1984, Silva Ghazaryan, DOB 2002, and Serob Ghazaryan, DOB 2007, deceased on the spot, and the other passengers, namely Vahe Tunyan, DOB 2003, Nona Tunyan, DOB 1992, Malvina Ghazatyan, DOB 1972, Grigor Avetyan, DOB 1990, and Aida Tunyan, DOB 1996, were taken to Goris medical center with bodily injures. The latter, Aida Tunyan, not regaining consciousness, deceased in hospital.
A criminal case is initiated on the given fact under the 2-nd section of article 242 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Amenia.
An inquiry is underway.


Note: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia and found guilty by a court decision that has entered into legal force.