The total number of the voters of April 2 National Assembly elections included in the Register of Electors of the Republic of Armenia, as of March 23, 2017

In pursuance of part 7 of article 8 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, during the elections to the National Assembly, on the 10th day preceding the voting day, Police of the Republic of Armenia shall publish the total number of the electors included in the Register of Electors of the Republic of Armenia, also mentioning the number of electors included in each supplementary list. Thus, оn the 10th day preceding the voting day, the total number of the electors included in the Register of еlectors of the Republic of Armenia is 2.564.795, of which:
- citizens included in a supplementary list of voters of the electoral precinct where they will actually be on the voting day – 20.387;
- citizens not registered in the Republic of Armenia –646.
Police of the Republic of Armenia