RA Police Hotline
    • For general inquiries
      (+374) 10 54-69-14
      (+374) 10 54-69-12
      Working hours : 9:00 – 13.00 (lunch break : 13:00 - 14:00), 14:00 - 18:00. Weekend Holidays : Saturdays and Sundays:
    • Traffic police
      1-77, 060-83-10-22
+37460-83-83-02 on issues related to the functions of the registration and examination subdivisions of the Traffic Police (obtaining a driver's license, exchange, registration of vehicles, renaming, etc.)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
Persons responsible for freedom of information
  • For general inquiries
    (+374) 10 54-69-14
    (+374) 10 54-69-12
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-58-76-03)
  • Traffic police
    Mob.: 1-77
    (responsible person: mob.: 060-83-10-23)
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-37-06-00)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
    On-duty service
    (responsible person: tel. 011-56- 39-63)

Victim in a fatal accident identified by policemen

As reported earlier, at 19:30 on March 3 a «Bentley» model automobile ran into a «Nissan» model automobile near the house 76 on Tigran Mets avenue, as a result of the collision a «Chrysler» model automobile ran into a 55-60-year-old man who, not regaining consciousness, deceased on the way to «Erebuni» medical centre.
Policemen identified the man who fell a victim to the fatal accident: Avetis Arzumanyan, born in 1963.
The inquiry is underway. 


Note: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia and found guilty by a court decision that has entered into legal force.