Crime news daily report

According to the operations reports of Police of the Republic of Armenia, 71 cases of crime have been detected by officers of various police subdivisions in the territory of the republic from April 19 to April 20, 7 of which were earlier committed crimes.
In particular, 12 cases of personal theft, 10 cases of causing bodily harm, 6 cases of fraud and smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, 4 cases of official forgery or official negligence, 3 cases of squandering or embezzlement, detection of drugs, abuse of office, failure to take measures in the manner prescribed by law to suppress, failure to take measures to suppress, prevent unauthorized seizure of land plots that are state or communal property, as well as unauthorized erection of buildings and structures, 2 cases of bribery, domestic violence, threats of murder, 1 case of hooliganism, battery, false denunciation and forgery of documents.
1 missing person has been detected, 4 wanted persons have been detained, 2 others turned themselves in to the Police.
2 cases of voluntary surrender of arms and ammunition have been registered.
From earlier committed crimes, 3 cases of personal theft, 2 cases of causing bodily harm, 1 case of theft of state or public property and attempt of burglary have been detected.
Over the past 1 day, 7 accidents have been registered in the Republic: 10 people received bodily injuries of different levels of gravity.
Note: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia and found guilty by a court decision that has entered into legal force.