Seminar on "Good practices of democratic management of crowds" held in Tsaghkadzor

In the frame of the RA Police-General Secretariat of the EU Council cooperation a three-day seminar-discussion on “Good practices of democratic management of crowds” took place in Tsaghkadzor city from November 4 to November 6, 2014.
The event was attended by Mr. Laurent Braulio, Programme Police leader, Head of the Action against Crime Department of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe, experts Dr. Michael Boyle, Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Police Fund, Mr. Jean-Claude Vullierme, French National Police chief Superintendant and 35 officers from the RA Police Central Apparatus and territorial subdivisions.
During the three-day event the international experts presented the experience of the European countries, in particular, France and Northern Ireland, in democratic management of crowds, touched upon the legislation regulating crowd management in Europe and spoke about the operations prior to the events and the involvement of law enforcement bodies to protect human rights and ensure safety conditions for all the parties involved.
Mr. Karen Mehrabyan, Deputy Head of the Public order protection Department of the RA Police, Police Colonel, spoke about the legislative and regulatory aspect of crowd management in Armenia, the relevant activities of the RA Police, its main tasks and current issues.
During the closing ceremony certificates were presented to participants by Mr. Laurent Braulio and Mr. Hovhannes Poghosyan, Deputy Head of the RA Police Headquarters, Head of the International Cooperation division of the RA Police, Police Colonel.
In summary, the seminar was constructive and largely met its goals.