Delegation from the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces pays visit to the Armenian Police (VIDEO)

In the frame of the GC-DCAF – RA Police cooperation during the November 18-21 visit to Yerevan the delegation from the Geneva centre for the Democratic control of Armed forces led by Philipp Fluri participated in training programs under the theme "Domestic violence and fight against juvenile crime" and "Crime scene inspection" held at the RA Police Educational Complex on November 18 and at Criminal Forensics Department of the RA Police on November 20, respectively.
On November 21 Head of the Headquarters of Police of the Republic of Armenia, Police Major General Aram Zaqaryan received the delegation from the Geneva Centre for the Democratic control of Armed forces led by GC-DCAF Deputy Director Philipp Fluri.
Among issues discussed at the meeting were the execution of the points of the cooperation program signed between the Geneva Centra and Armenian Police, the implementation format and timeframe of the pending program actions, prospects for further cooperation between the Armenian police and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic control of Armed forces.
The need for elaboration of a cooperation program for the year 2015 was highlighted by both sides.
The meeting agenda also included other issues of mutual interest.