An important step toward strengthening the enforcement of Intellectual Property rights in the Republic of Armenia (VIDEO)

The presentation of the website containing complete statistical data about Intellectual Property took place at “Congress” hotel, Yerevan on Thursday May 15. The website was launched with the support of the EU Twinning project “Strengthening the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Armenia”. The event was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Police, State Revenue Committee, Intellectual Property agency and Judicial Department of the Republic of Armenia.
Mrs. Janne Wellendorf, the Resident Twinning Advisor of the EU Twinning Project on IPR Enforcement, was among the speakers. She mentioned that at present Armenia is experiencing an unprecedented development of high technologies and innovations and the protection of intellectual property rights is crucial.
During these 2.5 years the activities of the EU Twinning Project on IPR Enforcement have been aimed at introducing new methods and ways of Strengthening the enforcement of Intellectual Property rights in Armenia. And this website is one of its achievements.
The website is designed to be used by both state structures and the private sector. Through the website the users will be able to keep track of the progress made in this sphere and access precise statistics about intellectual property.
The experts present at the event introduced the website’s structure sector by sector. It was highlighted that soon the databases of all the RA intellectual property agencies will be available on the website. The visitors will be able to gain access to integrated and complete statistics. It should be mentioned that users of a number of European countries still don't have such an advantage.
The event was concluded with Q&A part by representatives from state agencies.