News conference

On Thursday September 11, 2014, The Information and Public Relations Department of Police of the Republic of Armenia hosted a news conference with Head of Yerevan City Department of the RA Police, Police Colonel Ashot Karapetyan.
At the news conference Ashot Karapetyan provided an overview of the operating performance of the municipal police subdivisions for the first 8 months of 2014. Thus, during the mentioned period of time Police have registered 5334 cases of criminal offences, as compared with the same interval in the last year, this number has decreased by 238. Meanwhile, 3606 cases of criminal offences have been solved.
Police have registered 12 cases of murder, 9 out of them were solved. 2 out of the 3 unsolved cases have been requalified as missing-person cases. 3 out of 5 cases of attempted murder were solved. 346 cases of intentional infliction of bodily damage were registered during this reporting period.
88 firearm units, 102 grenades and 16149 cartridges of various calibre were detected and seized by officers of Yerevan city Department during the reporting period.
The fight against illegal turnover of narcotic drugs has always been the focus of Armenian Police. During the first 8 months of this year, 252 cases were solved following special measures.
As a result of the special measures aimed to prevent the crime against property, the number of cases of banditry has decreased by 6 as compared with the last year's rate,
20 out of 30 registered cases of banditry have been solved. The number of cases of theft of private property has decreased by 152, instead the number of residential burglaries has increased by 123.
Due to the 24-hour patrol service the cases of vehicle theft have also decreased, and the registered cases were all solved.
Ashot Karapetyan mentioned that the detection of earlier committed crimes has been one of the priority tasks of the Police.
Thus, during the first 8 months of 2014 518 earlier committed crimes were detected, incidentally, 187 of them had been suspended for failure to identify the criminal.
Ashot Karapetyan highlighted that the police functions are based on the principles of upholding the rule of law, maintaimning public order and defending the interests and rights of the people.
Ashot Karapetyan answered all the questions posed by journalists.