To minimize possible inaccuracies in the lists of participants of the Referendum on Constitutional reforms Police are inviting to a roundtable discussion which will take place TODAY AT 14 P.M.

After the promulgation of the preliminary lists of citizens entitled to participate in the Referendum on Constitutional reforms in the Republic of Armenia, various public organizations, human rights activists and political figures have been making statements and observations on the drawbacks and inaccuracies found in the voters’ lists.
To minimize possible inaccuracies in the voters’ lists, Police have been immediately responding to those statements and observations, making neccessary clarifications and explanations.
Nevertheless, despite the huge work carried out in that direction, Police of the Republic of Armenia, still not satisfied with the results, is continuuing its policy of maintaining wide scope interaction with the society and would hereby like to suggest transferring the discussion from the media platform to a more practical field, thus inviting representatives of all the concerned organizations and structures /in particular Deputies of the RA National Assembly Aram Manukyan and Hovhannes Margaryan, as well as Head of the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Vanadzor office Artur Sakunts, i.e. those who have so far made regular statements on problems with voters’ lists/, as well as citizens concerned with the improvement of the voters’ lists, to have a more substantive discussion with the responsible officials of relevant police subdivisions. The Information and Public Relations Department of the RA Police is to host the meeting which will take place on November 6, 2015.
We kindly ask You to notify of Your presence by November 5, 2015, 2 p.m. emailing us at or calling at (+374) 10 54-73-14.