The 33rd International Drug Enforcement Conference held in the Peruvian capital of Lima

The 33rd Annual International Drug Enforcement Conference was held in Lima, the capital of Peru, on April 26-28, 2016.
The conference brought together authorities and antidrug tsars from 125 countries and representatives of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
The three-day event, the main theme of which was “Fight against International Organizations involved in Illicit Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering, a Global Challenge,” was attended by first Deputy Head of the General Department on combating organized crime of Police of the Republic of Armenia, Police Colonel Alik Margaryan and Senior authorized operative at the Operational information unit of the Department on combating illicit drug trafficking of the GDCOC of Police of the Republic of Armenia, Police Captain Aram Galstyan.
Opening remarks were made by Peruvian Prime Minister Pedro Cateriano Bellido and U.S. Ambassador in Peru Brian A. Nichols. Peruvian Interior Minister Jose Luis Perez Guadalupe presented the main achievements of the country's law enforcement agencies in the sphere of illicit drug trafficking, highlighting the great role of the USA in those positive shifts.
Speeches were made by Chuck Rosenberg, the new acting administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Chief of Peru's National Police, Vicente Romero Fernández and a number of other officials.
At the suggestion of the U.S. DEA representative, the Armenian delegates had bilateral meetings with Kyle Williamson, Head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's regional office for the Central Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe, during which the situation with illicit drug trafficking in Armenia was presented, and the willingness to assist the Armenian Police in anti-drug fight was reassured.
Also Kyle Williamson stated that he is planning to visit Armenia in the near future to meet with the Police leadership and discuss future steps regarding the development of cooperation to make the U.S. DEA’s assistance more substantive.
Next day the delegations were devided into working teams according to their regions.
Our represntatives presented the situation with illicit drug trafficking in Armenia, current issues and challenges, exchanged views and experiences with their foreign colleagues.