Summary of Police hotline calls received on the day of elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

47 reports have been received through the «Hotline» of the Police Operations Headquarter on the day of elections to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia during the period between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. In 5 cases, necessary consultation has been provided to the telephone callers, 1 report has been submitted to the corresponding subdivision for verification and 4 reports have been set in motion in the order envisaged by articles 180-181 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia.
It should be noted that:
• 18 reports were related to congestion at polling stations,
• 7 reports were on bribery of voters,
• 4 on electoral forgery and ballot-stuffing,
• 1 on violence or battery,
• 1 on open voting,
• 1on casting a vote under coercion,
• 1 on attempt to accompany the voter
• 1 on impeding the voter’s right to cast a ballot,
• 1 on hampering the work of the observers,
• 1 on service checking,
• 11 reports were consultative in nature.