Armed attack (VIDEO)

Police Colonel Arthur Vanoyan was killed, some people were wounded and a group of police officers was taken hostage as an armed group stormed into the premises of the Patrol-Sentry Service Regiment of the Armenian Police on July 17, 2016. Then the armed group members came out and began firing shots down the street, again some police officers were injured. Fortunately, not a single civilian suffered during those attacks. But the attackers did not care about citizens' security, in exchange for the hostages they demanded the release of Zhirayr Sefilyan who had been detained a month ago.
Simultaneously their supporters were regularly spreading misinformation through media and social network informing that an armed rebellion had started and buildings and premises had been seized.
On the same day two hostages were released by the police special units within the framework of measures aimed to prevent and suspend criminal actions of the armed group in the illegally blocked area.
As of 5 p.m. the armed group continued to hold a few police officers hostage, including Deputy Head of the Police Vardan Yeghiazaryan and Deputy Head of the Yerevan City Department of the Police Valeri Osipyan.
The law enforcers had all the means to vacate the premises of the regiment, but in order to prevent casualties they were delaying and are delaying such a resolution convincing the attackers to refrain from further actions which may pose a danger to the lives and health of citizens, to release the hostages, to lay down arms and surrender to authorities without resistance.
On the night of July 18, as a result of protracted negotiations and special measures, 1 police officer who had been held hostage under the threat of arms and 1 civilian, namely ambulance driver, were released.
Nevertheless, the armed group refused to release the other hostages, including senior police officials, to lay down arms and surrender to the authorities.
During that day everybody in the regiment premise was provided with food and necessary medication. As a result of complex operations, including negotiations, another hostage was released.
On July 19 representatives of law enforcement bodies continued intense negotiations with the armed group members to arrange their surrender to the authorities and release the hostages without conducting any special operation. Everything possible was done to prevent bloodshed.
Late in the evening of July 20 a particularly aggressive group of protesters gathered in the vicinity of Patrol-Sentry service regiment attacked the police cordon and incited clashes. In order to restore public order Police had to apply special measures. Tensions eased, injured people from both sides were taken to medical institutions.
On July 22 the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia made a statement that within the framework of the criminal case initiated on occasion of the seizure of the premises of the Patrol-Sentry Service regiment, Police detained a group of people who had criminal ties with the armed group members, the detainees had assisted the latters in the past transagressions and were assisting them in the preparation of new crimes.
As a result of negotiations held by Artsakh hero, Deputy of the NKR National Assembly Vitali Balasanyan who took the mediation mission between the armed group and law enforcement bodies in the last days, all the hostages held in the building of the Patrol-Sentry Service regiment were released on July 23. Instead the group demanded to launch a press point in the premise of the regiment, this demand was met in due time.
And for the first time the public saw what had been happening in the premises of the Patrol-Sentry regiment and who is responsible for that. We witnessed how the group members, in defiance of their own promise, used weapons, displayed inadequate behavior, fired irregular shots endangering civilian lives.
As stated by the supporters of the armed group and a number of media representatives displaying a surprising lack of responsibility, the members of the group are Artsakh War Veterans, experienced and distinguished fighters. After yesterday's first direct contact, however, it became clear that it is not so. Only 10 of them served in the army and took part in the Artsakh war, the others are civilians: driver, builder, tinsmith, a chronic alcoholic registered in the addiction clinic, people without permanent job, escapees from military service due to various diseases, including «neurological disease», previously convicted persons, who, as they state, are fighting for Karabakh, but they don't even know where Karabakh is ...
Such a motley formation which consists of people who are allegedly concerned about the problems of their Motherland and the society, but their real objectives and tasks, their motives and secret levers will fully be revealed, when the situation is finally resolved.