Working conference in Police of the Republic of Armenia (VIDEO)

On Monday, November 4, a working conference presided over by Armenian Police chief Lieutenant General Vladimir Gasparyan took place in Police of the Republic of Armenia which was attended by the personnel of the General Department on Combating Organized Crime of Police of The Republic of Armenia.
The Police chief touched upon the main shortcomings which have so far been observed in the work of the GDCOC officers. Police chief highlighted that such situation and atmosphere are left behind, and that now they should do their best to eliminate those shortcomings.
During the conference issues concerning the structure, personnel, and technical equipment of the department were discussed, and the results of the activity carried out in the sphere of combating economic crime, cybercrime, illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and etc. were evaluated, near and distant future plans were outlined.
By the end of the conference Police chief gave definite instructions to the senior officers of the sphere.