U.S. Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration supports training in Yerevan

With the support of Tbilisi office of Drug Enforcement Administration under the US Department of Justice a training course on "Investigation of Drug offences" was held for police officers, members of the National Security Service, Investigative Committee, and the State Revenue Committee at the Marriott Hotel, Yerevan, On October 25-29. The course was conducted by representatives of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
During the 5-day training first, the mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration in the region was presented, and then drug trafficking routes in the region, intelligence, synthetic drugs, secret laboratories, drug production methods, money laundering, shadow network, tactical medicine and other issues were discussed.
The training was held in the atmosphere of heated discussions and suggestions aimed at the effective activity of the working group. As a result, the participants acquired a number of skills that they will be able to apply in their daily work.
On October 27, a meeting was held between the representatives of the General Department of Criminal Police, the Headquarters of the RA Police and Tbilisi office of Drug Enforcement Administration, during which issues related to information exchange and further cooperation were discussed
The closing ceremony of the event was attended by the Ms Lynne Tracy, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to the Republic of Armenia, and Misak Markosyan, Acting Head of the RA Police Educational Complex, Police Lieutenant Colonel.
At the end of the event, the participants were awarded certificates.