RA Police Hotline
    • For general inquiries
      (+374) 10 54-69-14
      (+374) 10 54-69-12
      Working hours : 9:00 – 13.00 (lunch break : 13:00 - 14:00), 14:00 - 18:00. Weekend Holidays : Saturdays and Sundays:
    • Traffic police
      1-77, 060-83-10-22
+37460-83-83-02 on issues related to the functions of the registration and examination subdivisions of the Traffic Police (obtaining a driver's license, exchange, registration of vehicles, renaming, etc.)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
Persons responsible for freedom of information
  • For general inquiries
    (+374) 10 54-69-14
    (+374) 10 54-69-12
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-58-76-03)
  • Traffic police
    Mob.: 1-77
    (responsible person: mob.: 060-83-10-23)
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-37-06-00)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
    On-duty service
    (responsible person: tel. 011-56- 39-63)

Community Policing is based on Policy and community close cooperation

31.05.2012 01:05

On May 30, 2012, the Deputy Head of the RA Police, Police Major-General, Arthur Osikyan hosted the delegation of the OSCE Yerevan Office, in the lead of Lilian Shalarou, the Head of the Military and Political Programs.
During the meeting the issues were discussed, related to the establishment of a new model of Community Policing, starting from June 1.
Arthur Osikyan mentioned, that the Community Policing is a special direction of Police activities, which is based on close cooperation of Police and the community, aiming at the efficient resolution of the community problems and providing a quality Police service.  Lilian Shalarou mentioned in his speech, that the OSCE Yerevan Office has been providing a long-term assistance for establishment in Armenia the model of Community Policing as the introduction and implementation of democratic Police practice, and added, that the OSCE Office will continue its assistance in the implementation of the new model in Yerevan.
It is envisaged to create divisions of Community Policing in Yerevan; around 300 police officers would be incorporated there.  In March a three-week practical training courses were organized with the OSCE Yerevan Office assistance for the police officers, involved in the Community Policing.
During the event the “Guide for the Police Employees, Involved in the Community Policing Sphere” was presented to representatives of Yerevan Police Divisions and media (the electronic version of the Guide could be found at http://www.osce.org/yerevan), it was developed by David I’anson, the expert on Community Policing from United Kingdom with OSCE assistance.
Other issues of mutual interest were also discussed during the meeting.