S T A T E M E N T We would hereby like to inform that these days meetings and rallies are being held in the administrative territory of the city of Yerevan in violation of the requirements of the RA law "on freedom...
Statement In the last few hours, the civil initiative "My step" has been holding a meeting in the streets of Yerevan, which rather has a form of a rally . The organizer of the meeting is Deputy of the...
Statement Deputy of the National Assembly of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, as the organizer of the rally, led its participants to France Square in Yerevan, completely paralyzing the traffic in the city center....
Statement Police of the Republic of Armenia would herebye like to remind you that, in accordance with Article 180 of the RA Code of Administrative Offenses, violation of silence in public places at night...
Statement Since early morning National Assembly deputy Nikol Pashinyan has been carrying out an operation on blocking a number of streets considered vital for Yerevan, paralyzing the traffic and restricting...
Statement Police of the Republic of Armenia receives numerous complaints from various metropolitan organizations, including educational and medical institutions, that the actions of the rally participants...
STATEMENT ADDRESSED TO NIKOL PASHINYAN Due to the violent actions of participants of the rally led by You public order in Baghramyan Avenue has been grossly violated. All warnings, requirements, and other restrictive actions of the...
Statement As it was stated earlier, the RA Police, being guided by Article 33 of the RA Law "On Freedom of Assemblies", on April 16, 2018, in accordance with the procedure established by law, decided to...
Mass riots in Yerevan (VIDEO)
From the videotapes acquired by the preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated under Article 225 (Mass riots) and 225-1 of the RA Criminal Code (violation of the procedure for...
Statement Since early morning of April 17, 2018, Nikol Pashinyan has been urging the participants of the rally to surround and block government buildings, state bodies and other departments and thereby...