Delegation from the Polish Ministry of Interior pays visit to the Armenian Police (VIDEO)

From 25 to 27 November 2014, a delegation from the Polish Ministry of Interior, led by Mr. Mariusz Konieczny, Chief Expert at the Department for International Cooperation and EU funds, visited Yerevan.
Within the framework of the visit, Polish delagates and Armenian representatives from concerned police services held joint discussions on «Drafting the Action plan of cooperation for 2015-2017 with the Republic of Armenia within the framework of Eastern Partnership Police Cooperation Programme» which is implemented within the frame of the EU's Eastern partnership initiative with the support of the European Committee and Polish Ministry of Interior.
On Thursday, November 27 Head of the RA Police Headquarters, Police Major General Aram Zaqaryan received the Polish delegation.
Greeting the guests, Mr. Zaqaryan, highlighted the importance of expanding police cooperation beetween the EU and the Republic of Armenia and expressed willingness to further develop it.
The Polish side provided information regarding the current stage of the three-year police cooperation, appreciating the high level of professionalism displayed by the officers of concerned police services and the work carried out so far. A number of details related to the draft program were discussed during the meeting. It was stated that the program aims to support the police cooperation between the EU and Eastern partnership countries to effectively combat cross-border crime and uphold the rule of law.
The program is due to be signed by the end of this year to come into effect from January 1, 2015.
The meeting agenda also included other issues of mutual interest.