Police Chief receives Heads of Armenian Private Security organizations (VIDEO AND PHOTOS)

On Saturday March 1 Head of Police of the Republic of Armenia Lieutenant General Vladimir Gasparyan received Heads of Private Security Organizations currently functioning in Armenia.
The law of the Republic of Armenia “On private security activities” was adopted by the National Assembly of the RA on February 9, 2012 and in compliance with the PM's decision of April 23, 2012 Police of the Republic of Armenia was put under obligation to prepare and elaborate some sub-legislative acts, the obligation was met properly.
But yet various accusations are made by Heads of some Private Security Organizations and media representatives, in particular the Police is accused of acting as an interested a party and some kind of rival in this sphere which impedes those organizations to perform their activities.
At the beginning of the meeting the Police Chief spoke about relevant approaches adopted by Police. One of them, and the most important, is as follows: the issue of recruitment of those organizations, the qualification, professional and human qualities of candidates, the composition of the Qualification Commission and its activities. An approach was suggested by Vladimir Gasparyan which found everybody's favor.
In response to a number of suggestions made by the participants of the meeting the Police Chief assured that the cooperation between the Police of the RA and security organizations will continue. Police shall provide technical assistance and help them to improve the level of vocational readiness. Various questions were asked by the meeting participants who were provided with exhaustive and fully acceptable answers. The conclusion was as follows: to hold recurring meetings to solve current issues in a friendly atmosphere.