CLARIFICATION (on the information disseminated by Executive Director of Transparency international Anticorruption Center Varuzhan Hoktanyan)

According to the statement disseminated by Varuzhan Hoktanyan, Executive Director of Transparency international Anticorruption Center, when specifying the lists of persons entitled to vote in the December 6 Referendum special attention should be paid to the age group of voters, the repitition of first names, middle names and last names of voters, existence of such voters who are not registered anywhere and dozens of voters registered at the same address. Mr. Hoktanyan argues that as a result of search made through electronic monitoring program, noteworthy data have been revealed, namely it was found out that there are 167 voters in Armenia who are over 100. There are 10663 adresses where more than 10 people live, and there are 9 addresses where 100 voters are registered and 13 addresses with more than 100 voters. And, for example, there are 500 voters registered at one address in Hatsarat quarter of the town of Gavar.
Thus, Police of the Republic of Armenia would like to clarify Mr. Hoktanyan's statement point by point.
1. There are 167 voters in Armenia who are over 100.
Police of the Republic of Armenia has repeatedly clarified that dead people’s data are removed from the Register of electors not in the logic of their age, but in case of factual grounds. The fact that there are people over 100 in Armenia must be pleasent enough and not seem noteworthy or ridiculous. Moreover, Police of the Republic of Armenia hase chosen to publish the data of people not over 100, but 105 and over (there are 29 people included in the voters' lists who are 105 and over). It is more pleasant to mention that 23 persons are not dead (see the list in Armenian).
After the promulgation of the preliminary lists, Police of the Republic of Armenia, as an authorized body maintaining the Register of Electors of the Republic of Armenia shall take measures aimed to detect dead persons’ data, irrespective of the fact whether their relatives or other concerned persons have themselves provided such data to the Police or not.
Being guidied by the logic of making analyses according to the age group, we would like to inform, that as of 14.11.2015 209 of the persons aged 90 and over, included in the voters' lists, have been found to be dead (by the way, measures have been underway since the preliminary lists have been promulgated, not after this statement). Dead persons’ data will be removed from the final lists published in the manner envisaged by the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia.
2. There are 10663 addresses in Armenia where more than 10 people live.
During 2012-2013 within the framework of electoral processes Police has repeatedly clarified, that Police of the RA is not authorized to remove persons from the State register of the population at its own initiative. A citizen moving to another place (including a foreign country) must himself inform about the address of his new residence in the manner prescribed by law.
As a result, the latter will be removed from the address of the previous residence and will be registered at the new address of residence.
Besides, owners of dwelling premises are also authorized to apply for the removal of persons not having the right of ownership or use of their dwelling premises.
Within the framework of the electoral processes ahead of the December 6 Referendum on making amendments to the RA Constitution, Police has repeatedly disseminated statements and clarifications on the above-mentioned issues.
3. There are 9 addresses in Armenia where 100 voters are registered and 13 addresses with more than 100 voters, there is an address in Hatsarat quarter of Gavar town of Gegharkunik marz with 500 voters.
During the 2012-2013 electoral processes Police has repeatedly made clarifications on this issue.
We would like to once more clarify
that those addresses (see the lsit in Armenian) include numerous dwelling houses which have no addresses and belong to different families, the residents of those houses are registered at the mentioned addresses due to the lack of addresses of dwelling premises.
4. Repitition of first names, middle names and last names: so far clarifications have been made in connections with all media publications on repeated first names, middle names and last names. No inaccuracy has been detected: all those people are different persons. Besides Police has promulgated 218 persons' data who have the same first names, middle names and last names, and were born on the same day, in the same month and year but are different people.