Workshop on Policing during mass events and in crisis situations held in Yerevan (VIDEO)

The workshop on Negotiation and communication skills of police officers and the protection of public order during mass events, as well as in crisis situations and high risk events, organized with the support of the OSCE office in Yerevan within the framework of the 2016 Cooperation program between the Police of the Republic of Armenia and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, started its work in Yerevan on November 21-22.
Opening remarks were made by Head of the division of International Police Cooperation of the International Cooperation Department of Police of the Republic of Armenia, Police Lieutenant Colonel Armen Sedrakyan, who highlighted the particular significance of such international event in improving police officers’ negotiation and communication skills in ensuring public order protection, during mass events, as well as in crisis situations and high risk events. Mr. Sedrakyan noted that the event will allow to get familiar with the current international practice in the corresponding area.
Bernhard Frankl, Politico-Military Programme Officer at the OSCE Office in Yerevan, presented the work carried out in cooperation with the Police of the Republic of Armenia and, highly appreciating the cooperation with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, also highlighted the significance of the event.
Speeches were delivered by experts from the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Timothy Parsons, David Clarke and Douglas Blackwood, who mentioned their observations on the matter, presented the international practice, particularly the experience of the law enforcement agencies across the UK.
Workshop participants had very substantive and productive discussions on issues.